Productivity Coaching

Program Overview

Why join the Productivity Coaching program?

  • A coach takes you through the discovery and visioning process so you achieve absolute clarity on what you want to achieve. 

  • A coach helps you develop a plan to reach your goals.  

  • A coach helps you stay on track and find the shortest distance between where you are and where you want to be. 

When you decide to enter into our Productivity Coaching Program you will receive the following:


Monthly One-on-One Session

With your coach to develop your plan and vision for your busi- ness. These sessions will focus on your individual issues and keep you focused and on track with your plan. Your coach will help you work through any obstacles that are keeping you from success.

Weekly Group Session

These group sessions focus on keeping the best Mindset for Success. Our success is 90% Mindset and 10% everything else. These sessions are inspiring and insight- ful. You will learn how your brain works in conjunction with your thoughts and emotions. Your mindset either works for you or against you. These sessions keep it working you.

Weekly Boot Camp for New Agents

New agents will participate in a weekly session that reinforces and holds you accountable to the training that you receive in our new agent training program through our 30/60/90. We focus on getting your business set up and giving you the tools to effectively work with buyers and sellers.

Weekly Scripts & Dialogs Session

This extremely helpful "power hour" helps you speak effectively with potential clients, buyers and sellers. Knowing how to powerfully and effec- tively express yourself is paramount in any people-oriented business. Knowing how to talk about the market and the home buying and selling process with your clients makes a big differ- ence in how effective you will be as an agent. We cover a different topic each week and also take some time to mastermind around this topic after practicing the dialog.

Monthly Agent Mastermind Session

This 2 hour session brings agents who are in the coaching programs in Philly and the Mainline together to discuss market trends and stats, talk about what they are experiencing in the market, what’s working and what’s not. After leav- ing this session you will be informed and energized about what is going on and how best to deal with a variety of situations. The camaraderie and networking opportunities with other like- minded agents is also a great benefit.

Your Investment

Our Program requires your commitment to the process. The investment in the program is 15% of your GCI until you reach your CAP (approx. $3M in sales volume).Our numbers have shown that agents who are coached close an average of 3 times the production of agents who aren’t so it’s simple to see the advantage. New agents drop out of real estate within their first year at an astonishingly high rate of 80%. We retain 80% of our agents in the coaching program because they become successful and make money!

A coach will show you things you may not want to see, tell you things that may be hard to hear, and ask you to do things you don’t want to do so that you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Being in a coaching relationship is a process, one that can make all the difference in your career and in your life.

Connect with Bill Kelly

Connect with Amy Zimney